Spellbinding | Flower Bouquet


Introducing “Spellbinding,” a captivating bouquet that weaves an enchanting tapestry of beauty. Hydrangea Lilac and Vanda Orchids Purple cast a spell of elegance, while Trachelium Blue adds a touch of mystique. Eustoma Purple and Anthurium Light Pink exude alluring charm. Eryngium Blue and Spray Rose provide delicate accents. Rose Dark Purple captivates with its deep hue, while Dyed Ruscus Purple and Heliconia Upright Orange add a bold contrast. “Spellbinding” is a bouquet that mesmerizes, leaving hearts entangled in its mystical allure.

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In eternal confinement, a soul bewitched, Bound by unseen chains, by love’s fire hitched, Drawn like a moth to an eternal flame, A magnetism unbreakable, with no one to blame, Forever entangled, the heart’s desire proclaimed, Trapped and attracted, in love’s eternal game.

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Product information

Blooms Used:
Hydrangea Lilac, Vanda Orchids Purple, Trachelium Blue, Eustoma Purple, Anthurium Light Pink, Eryngium Blue, Spray Rose, Rose Dark Purple, Dyed Ruscus Purple, Heliconia Upright Orange
Standard Products Used:
Beato Signature Floral Wrap and Ribbons

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