Written In Our Stars | Flower Bouquet


Introducing “Written In Our Stars,” a captivating bouquet that echoes the beauty of destiny’s embrace. Rose Light Purple and Rose Yam intertwine, symbolizing the intertwining paths of love. Eustomas Lilac exude elegance, while Chrysanthemum Ball White and Pom Pom Button White add a touch of purity. Brunia Albiflora Silver provides a silver lining, while Straw Flower adds a subtle touch of vibrancy. “Written In Our Stars” represents the celestial connection of intertwined destinies, a floral testament to the magic of cosmic love.

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In the open field, they gather, hearts entwined, friends, family, and lovers, destinies aligned. Gazing at stars that twinkle with celestial art, each one a story, a tale written in their heart, threads of fate weave together, an intricate design, their destinies combine.

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Product information

Blooms Used:
Rose Light Purple, Rose Yam, Eustomas Lilac, Chrysanthemum Ball White, Pom Pom Button White, Brunia Albiflora Silver, Straw Flower
Standard Products Used:
Beato Signature Floral Wrap and Ribbons

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