Happy Raindrops | Flower Bouquet


Introducing “Happy Raindrops,” a vibrant bouquet that celebrates the beauty found in the midst of rain. Delphinium Light Blue and Hydrangea Blue mirror the soothing hues of falling droplets. Rose Miss Piggy and Eustoma Lilac exude charm and grace. Alstroemeria Orange adds a pop of vibrant energy, while Chrysanthemum Button Pom Brown and Chrysanthemum Ball Light Purple provide contrasting textures. Spear Palm Blue and Dyed Ruscus Purple intertwine, evoking the movement of rain-washed foliage. Preserve Star Grass adds a touch of whimsy. “Happy Raindrops” embodies the joy found in embracing life’s ups and downs, reminding us that even amidst rain, happiness blooms.

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Orders after 12pm will be scheduled to the day after. For emergency request, please contact +65 8338 1308.

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Amidst rain’s gentle tears, solitude unfolds, A moment of solace, a tale yet untold, For in the storm’s embrace, lessons reside, To cherish the sun, we must endure the tide, Through life’s trials, the rain’s purpose is clear, To make the sun’s radiance all the more dear.

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Product information

Blooms Used:
Delphinium Light Blue, Hydrangea Blue, Rose Miss Piggy, Eustomas Lilac, Alstroemeria Orange, Chrysanthemum Button Pom Brown, Chrysanthemum Ball Light Purple, Spear Palm, Dyed Ruscus Purple, Star Grass
Standard Products Used:
Beato Signature Floral Wrap and Ribbons

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