Morning Breeze | Flower Bouquet


Introducing “Morning Breeze,” an enchanting bouquet adorned with vibrant pastel colors that dance harmoniously. Rose Miss Piggy blooms, with their delightful coral hue, stand tall, embraced by the fiery elegance of Alstroemeria Orange. Tulip Pink adds a touch of delicate grace, while Chrysanthemum Pom Pom brings softness to the ensemble. Eustoma White lend an air of purity, while Dusty Miller silver foliage adds a touch of whimsy. Morning Breeze exudes the essence of a serene dawn, awakening hearts with its captivating beauty.

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Orders after 12pm will be scheduled to the day after. For emergency request, please contact +65 8338 1308.

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In morning’s gentle hush, two souls stroll, Amidst the dance of solitude they go, Embracing the symphony of whispers, so, Their paths converge, destiny’s unseen show, In fleeting moments, hearts start to know, Two lives bound to meet, where love will grow.

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Product information

H55CM X 45CM
Blooms Used:
Rose Miss Piggy, Alstroemeria, Orange Tulip, Pink Chrysanthemum Pom Pom, Light Pink Eustoma, White Dusty Miller
Standard Products Used:
Beato Signature Floral Wrap and Ribbons

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