Coast to Coast | Flower Bouquet


Introducing “Coast to Coast,” a captivating bouquet that embodies the essence of distance bridged by love. Hydrangea Blue and Rose Yellow evoke the tranquility of coastal landscapes. Rose Dark Pink symbolizes the depth of affection, while Eustoma Lilac and Iris Purple bring a touch of enchantment, Green Trick adds a whimsical element. “Coast to Coast” is a floral celebration of the boundless connection that transcends physical barriers and unites hearts across vast distances.

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Across the vast expanse, coast to coast they roam, A friend, a lover, a family found, hearts known, No distance too far to bridge their souls’ embrace. Through trials and tides, together they face. For bonds that transcend land and sea, forever they boast. Love’s timeless journey, united coast to coast.

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Product information

Blooms Used:
Hydrangea Blue, Rose Yellow, Rose Dark Pink, Eustoma Lilac, Iris Purple, Green Trick
Standard Products Used:
Beato Signature Floral Wrap and Ribbons

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