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10 Best Christmas gifts for your friends and family

Amidst decorating the Christmas tree and decorating the house with lights, there are numerous other tasks before the big day! Though it is all fun and worth it, buying gifts for everyone is the tricky part. Everyone has their interest, especially children of different ages. Buying meaningful gifts for every member within a budget is no cakewalk.

This Christmas, go a little out of your way and give your close ones an unusual and unexpected gift. Unable to think of something? Beato is here to save you the trouble of brainstorming ideas for gifts! Take a look at the list prepared by us.

1. Bouquet

Flowers never go out of style. Irrespective of the occasion, gifting flowers is always considered the most heartfelt gesture. Christmas celebrations are never complete without flowers.

This Christmas, give your loved ones a bouquet from Beato. Beato is one of the best flower shops in Singapore. Not only do they have a wide range of flowers to choose from, but they also offer affordable floral subscriptions and free delivery in Singapore.

2. Personalized Garden Set

Who doesn’t like having a beautifully decorated balcony to sit and enjoy a little time off? Installing small gardens in the balconies of busy cities is rapidly increasing. Get your family and friends a complete gardening set with tools for raking the soil, shovel, gloves, pruning shears, water vaporizer, and a big bag to store this equipment.

The bag can also be embossed with the name of the person so that it cannot be transferred and adds a little personal touch to the gift. Another gift choice can be aprons with gardening tools like shovels and scissors to cut some twig and arrange the flowers. The apron can also have the name embossed on it.

3. Personalized Digital Photo Frames

Sharing stories of good times is one way of cherishing memories. The other way is having photographs of those moments. We all use pictures to present our work, but this year fill those presentation templates with photos of your loved ones of the times you never want to forget. Not only is it a modern way but also depicts how much you adore those memories.

If you are old school, you can put those pictures in a photomontage, get printed on paper, and set in a wooden or aluminum photo frame. You can also use tree-shaped photo frames and add photos of the youngest members of the family as they grow.

4. Customized Shirts and Sweaters

Winters and Christmas are everyone’s favorite times of the year. A thing that can be used in winters and also makes a memorable gift is shirts and sweaters. Everybody loves to add a personal touch to the presents they give. With customized shirts and sweaters, you can adapt to every taste.

Amaze your family and friends with a shirt that says their favorite quote or a beautiful message or has their most loved fictional character printed on it. For Christmas, the ideal choice would be a long-sleeved sweater or t-shirt which will keep them warm and also look cool at the same time.

5. Glasses to celebrate Christmas Eve

Lots of special Christmas baskets and hampers for lovers come with bottles of good wine or cava, saber to open the bottle of champagne, and glasses to raise a toast and celebrate the occasion.

This is one of the most valued and useful gift options. It can be complemented with a box of chocolates or a fashionable basket with Christmas decorations. Distinctive boxes and bags are also available to keep the glasses and bottles safe. Such bags can be personalized with your signature or brand name.

6. Warm Winter Accessories

What better choice than warm winter accessories to escape the winter chill? Gloves, hats, and scarves are everything you need when stepping out of the house in the winters. Stamping your name or brand logo and distributing it at an event in December is one of the best corporate gifts you can give.

Beato’s suggestion is to give your loved one a pair of tactile gloves which will keep their hands warm and allow them to use their mobile at the same time. There are various scarves, gloves, and hats with printing included, available at pocket-friendly prices.

7. Portable Barbecue Kit

No celebration is ever complete without barbecue. Whether it’s snowing or not, barbecue is everyone’s go-to cooking tool. But it isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Carrying the classic barbecues to a farmhouse or picnic spot is not easy.

To save you the trouble, there are various portable barbecue kits available. The portable barbecue kits are spherical and come with lids that conserve the heat and prevent the ashes from swaying away with the wind. It is a practical and safe gift option.

8. Chocolate Bonbons

If nothing else comes to mind, sweets are always the savior! Sweet and chocolates enlighten the mood in the room, especially when shared with loved ones on an occasion like Christmas.

The ideal way is to gift a basket loaded with sweets, chocolates, and marzipan. Who wouldn’t want to eat sweets at a family lunch or dinner?

9. A Calendar for New Year

After the Christmas and New Year celebrations are over, everyone will have to get back to their daily routine. A festive mood tends to make us forget the days and dates, but forgetting the dates after the holidays are over won’t work!

Hence, present your loved ones with a customized calendar for the new year with pictures of your favorite moments shared with them. Every time they look at the calendar, it will remind them of you and bring a smile to their faces.

10. Vinyl Tree with Photos

For all the special ladies in your life – mother, wife, girlfriend, sister; go a little out of your way and do something special. Buy a vinyl with a fun design for them to stick on the wall of their room. Vinyl is available in various colors and designs; from landscapes to motivational quotes.

You can also give them a vinyl tree to stick on the wall, put pictures of friends and family and make a family tree. Make your special lady’s room a cozy place, filled with memories and photographs.

Celebrate with Beato

If you love flowers or your loved ones adore receiving flowers, subscribe to Beato’s flower subscription and enjoy premium privileges. Beato is one of the best flower shops in Singapore. With years of experience in the industry, you can trust Beato for all your floral requirements.

From flower bouquets to floral arrangements for congratulating someone, wedding anniversaries, valentine’s day, birthdays, and many other occasions, Beato offers a wide range of services. Click here to know how you can subscribe to Beato’s flower subscription plan.

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